With bags that have been around for a while, like traditional Chanel or Louis Vuitton pieces, it’s simple to notice costs going up since we have previous numbers for comparison. That’s why costs on those bags go up fairly rarely—raising them is an simple method to irritate existing customers. Those boosts aren’t the only method that general cost levels in the high-end bag market creep up, though — new styles assist pave the method for general enhanced cost levels, as well as it seems like method much more marquee bags than typical in the past few seasons are showing up with costs creeping toward $3,000. This is insanity, as well as it’s got to stop. Although it most likely never will.
When I was very first thinking about designer bags, a bit over a decade ago, marquee styles like the Balenciaga City Bag as well as Chloé Paddington retailed from $1,100 to $1,400. the most costly of the super-popular pieces of the age (at least that I remember) was the Fendi Spy, which was around $2,000 in full leather. That was in 2006 or so, as well as changed for the general rate of inflation, the $1,400ish Paddington would expense around $1,739 today. I cannot show it (sadly, I have yet to acquire the capability to completely inhabit an alternating purse world of my own style in purchase to test my personal theories), however if it debuted for autumn 2018, I am relatively specific any type of bag like the Paddington would expense at least $2,500. The concern of why is a challenging one, as well as its reasons go far beyond boosts in the cost of wholesale leather in that time.
First, there are price-tier leaders like Chanel as well as Hermès, whose broad, dedicated, ultra-rich client base allows them to fee much more or less whatever they feel like for their handbags. When Chanel’s well-known flap bags will set you back at least four or five grand (and let’s not even talk about Hermès), that provides other brands the cover they requirement to fee ever-higher prices, particularly on debut styles they’ve positioned as the next huge Thing, without being out of step with the market at large. Lately, it’s difficult to discover any type of leather day bag whatsoever for less than $3,000 at Chanel, as well as that seems to have emboldened the brands that want to contend with them to method that number as well.
What may be much more important, though, is exactly how the fashion market (and the world, too) has altered because the mid-2000s. As riches accumulates at the top, the idea of cost becomes much more flimsy as well as meaningless to those who have the most money to spend. What’s the difference between $2,000 as well as $3,000 to multimillionaires? as well as practically all brands still make what they now think about entry-level designer bags, which are in the $1,000 to $1,500 cost range, so they’re still catching sales at lower cost points.
So why not max out?
At a specific cost level, consumers — even those with lots of money — are going to question if they’re getting the level of history, condition as well as prestige from a specific bag that they might be getting if they spent just a bit much more elsewhere. After all, let’s be real; there are a great deal of chances to purchase a completely good satchel or saddle bag, so brand understanding matters in these decisions. as well as when consumers begin believing the value may not be there, brands have already lost them — a $2,000 bag isn’t a great value, exactly, however it can feel like that when it’s well-designed as well as well-made, however still considerably less costly than the market’s many extravagant players. It makes a great deal of purchasers feel a bit much better about splurging to understand that what they’ve purchased is priced fairly, even just within the context of the top-tier high-end market. If the cost part of the equation falters, it modifications exactly how consumers believe about a brand, as well as the understanding that a designer is overpriced can alienate consumers for years.
It seems such as this has already started happening with some designer brands, who debut bag after bag as well as don’t get a ton of consumer traction as well as don’t seem to comprehend why. brands like Chanel, Dior as well as Hermès can fee what they do since they’ve spent decades building a situation for why they’re the very best in the world, which works not only to boost the perceived value of their bags on a high quality level, however likewise on a prestige level — part of the cost of bring a Chanel bag is the chance to be seen bring a Chanel bag. Casting Bella Hadid or Kendall Jenner in an ad campaign doesn’t impact this issue whatsoever for brands that have a harder time building this situation for consumers, however it seems to be the primary method numerous of them are trying to battle it. Usually, this strategy suggests they don’t comprehend what they’re tRying pentru a performa în primul loc.
În special, numeroase dintre mărcile care par să se lupte cu o rată de interes intermediară în bagajele lor extrem de costisitoare sunt înțelese în principal pentru îmbrăcămintea lor, precum și nu par să înțeleagă că publicul pentru genți de designer este diferit – precum și Mult mai larg – precum și trebuie abordate separat. După ce a convins un număr mic de oameni să plătească 3.000 de dolari pentru o rochie de băutură mixtă, nu face o diferență semnificativă dacă un pasionat de accesorii consideră că geanta dvs. merită exact același preț, în special atunci când designerii abundă care au pus nevoile acestor cumpărători ca mai întâi ca interese. Cu toate acestea, mai mult și mai mult, se pare că mărcile care s -au descurcat destul de bine în accesorii se încadrează, de asemenea, în această capcană, motiv pentru care s -ar putea să fi descoperit câteva dintre ele decolorate din conversație pe măsură ce piața de poșetă evoluează să ofere Mult mai multe (și mai bune) opțiuni contemporane, precum și la prețuri medii.
Gândul final rațional la toate acestea ar fi ca mărcile să fie rezonabile în ceea ce privește zonele lor de pe piață și, în loc să încerce să joace captura cu designeri care sunt doar în mod inerent diferiți, să -și descopere propriile locații să strălucească, ceea ce ar putea fi extrem de bine Niveluri de costuri non-maxime. Întreb, orice tip de mărci va fi pregătit să recunoască acest lucru pentru ei înșiși, însă – până la urmă, ați descoperit vreodată că a făcut ceva, oricât de creșterea prețurilor? Cu toate acestea, dacă proiectanții necesită un studiu de situație, ar trebui să se uite la Chloé, care are o credibilitate fantastică pentru high-end, precum și în cea mai mare parte a debutatului de zi la 2.000 de dolari sau mai mic, chiar în timp ce toată lumea din jurul acesteia alergă la 3.000 de dolari. Aceste pungi au ajutat Chloé să păstreze o popularitate constantă în rândul femeilor elegante de-a lungul unei varietăți de vârstă, chiar dacă o mulțime de marketeri de înaltă calitate par să creadă că singura metodă de susținere este de a convinge consumatorii că orice tip de geantă aleatorie trebuie să cheltuiască 3.000 de dolari. Nu trebuie să fie așa, precum și ar fi mult mai bine pentru toți consumatorii, precum și pentru multe mărci, dacă toată lumea din jocul de geantă ar fi răcit puțin.